Covering all attack vectors.
Get Secure with Next-Gen Vulnerability Management.

Mitigate business risks and fortify your digital stronghold with Holm Security. Our cutting-edge platform ensures a resilient and future-ready security posture for your business, empowering you to always stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.

Next-Gen Vulnerability Management vs. Traditional

Efficient, Smarter & More Complete in the Fight Against Evolving Cyber Threats

Our next-gen platform is more than just a holistic approach to cyber security. Our platform, which includes the 4 pillars that you see here on the right, is designed to keep you ahead of potential cybercriminals by continuously monitoring vulnerabilities and providing real-time threat intelligence. Combine these with our customized employee training programs, and you have a robust, integrated security protocol that covers all of your assets and empowers your employees to be vigilant and proactive. 

Our Next-Gen Vulnerability Management Platform provides a 360-degree security framework to withstand both current and future cyber threats.

The Modern Attack Surface Has Outgrown Traditional Vulnerability Management

Incorporating modern technologies in day-to-day operations presents a broader range of attack vectors for potential exploitation. The attack surface has expanded, making traditional vulnerability management methods insufficient in dealing with these sophisticated attacks. The scope of vulnerability management needs to extend beyond just systems and web applications to include other critical components such as network infrastructure, cloud services, mobile devices, and even IoT (Internet of Things) devices. 

yellow icon siren on

Limited Attack Vector Coverage

Scanning only your systems and web apps may leave blind spots and hidden vulnerabilities in your infrastructure, leaving a considerable attack surface unprotected.

chart-line-up-down icon

Out of Context Risks

Not all vulnerabilities are created equal. Traditional vulnerability management doesn't take into account how each vulnerability relates to the unique aspects of your organization’s operations, assets, or threat landscape.

laptop mobile icon

Too Many Tools

Over time, many organizations have built up a significant product stack, relying on multiple tools and products that are not integrated - costly and often require additional effort to interpret the findings.

Yellow icon users slash

No User Awareness

Users are the first line of defense, but a traditional vulnerability management program does not address this.


Next-Gen Vulnerability Management Platform

Manage Complex
Clarity & Ease

Take control of your cyber security with System & Network Scanning. We cover all parts of your infrastructure – public and local systems, local and remote computers, network devices and equipment, cloud infrastructure, IoT, and OT/SCADA.

Network Scanning Illustration of CVSS Scoring

Efficiently Minimize Risk in Modern Web Applications

Reduce your attack surface and identify a wide range of vulnerabilities within your websites and web apps – including cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities. Also supports scanning of your APIs to keep them secure.

Web Application Scanning Top OWASP vulnerabilites

Continuously Monitor.
Identify Vulnerabilities.
Remediate Misconfigurations

Gain complete visibility and actionable context on your most critical misconfigurations, so your teams can proactively and continuously improve your cloud security posture. Enjoy the core capabilities of CSPM, vulnerability management – in a single solution.

Cloud Scanning Illustration ver1.0

Full Visibility.
Complete Security.
Scan It All

Elevate your API security effortlessly. Identify and resolve vulnerabilities, ensuring no potential entry points are left unscanned or exposed to attacks. Safeguard your externally facing applications confidently.

API Scanning illustration

Change Behavior.
Reduce Risk.
Create Resilience

Don't let human error be your organization's weakest link in cyber security. Enhance your human firewall using realistic email simulation exercises, including phishing, spear phishing, executive impersonation fraud, and ransomware threats. Bolster employee resilience through customized, automated, and targeted awareness training.

Illustration of Phishing Attack

The Number of Vulnerabilities We Detect

Total Unique CVEs
Total Vulnerability Tests
AWS Cloud Plugins
Azure Cloud Plugins
Google Cloud Plugins
Oracle Cloud Plugins
Gartner Peer Insights

Gartner: Voice of the Customer

Holm Security is pleased to announce our inclusion in Gartner's "Voice of the Customer" report. This report is based on reviews from Gartner Peer Insights, which recognizes vendors and products highly rated by their customers. Our success is attributed to our ability to effectively address our customers' needs. To fully understand the extent of our achievements, we encourage you to read the individual reviews and ratings shared by our satisfied customers on Gartner Peer Insights.

Gartner Peer Insights 2021

See for Yourself 
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Your Tailored Vulnerability Management
Solution is 3 Steps Away

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During the initial call, our team will get and understanding of your business technology status and needs. 

Get Your Custom Solution

Our vulnerability management experts will help create the solution best suited to your needs. 

Enjoy Maximized Security

Enjoy the benefits your new Next-Gen Vulnerability Management solution brings. 

See the Difference a Next-Gen Vulnerability Management Platform Makes

From local government to industry-leading retailers, discover how Holm Security helps solve cyber security problems.


Empowering Companies Struggling to Gain Insight into Their Cyber Security Posture