Partner Portal

Welcome to our partner portal! Here you find resources for you as a partner. If you're not a partner today, please sign up here.

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Get Support

Go to our Support Portal to get support - and more.
Support Portal
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Partner Kit

Download sales and marketing materials. Talk to your Sales Representative to get the password for access. 

Download Partner Kit
yellow icon handshake light

Order Form

Use this form to make an order for a new customer or for a renewal of an existing customer.

Place order
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Request Quote

Use this form to request a quote for your end customer.

Request quote
yellow icon radar light

Request Free Trial

Use this form to request a free trial for your end customer.

Request free trial
yellow icon users

Request Sales Assistance

Do you need help in a sales process with an end customer?

Request sales assistance
yellow icon users gear

Technical Introduction

Sign up for our 2-hour Technical Introduction Training. This will help you get started with demonstrations, PoCs/trials, and implementations.

Sign up for this training
yellow icon user graduate light

Certification Program

For you to become a Holm Security | Certified Partner, sign up for our Certification Program.

Sign up for certification
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Licensing Quick Guide

Do you have questions about how to license our platform and products? Please read our licensing guide.

Licensing quick guide

Request a Security Center Demo Account

Request a Security Center account that can be used for internal and end-customer demonstrations.

Request a Demo Account
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Become a Partner

If you're not a partner today, you can sign up here.

Become a partner
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Cancellation Request

Use this form to cancel an end-customer contract. 

Request a cancellation